Accademia Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Artists Sculptors | Painters | Music
Painters Botticelli | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Credi | F.Bartolomeo | D. Ghirlandaio | R. Ghirlandaio | Granacci | Gaddi | Cambio | Lippi | Biondo Tancredi | Perugino |

Painters in the Accademia Gallery in Florence in Italy

Many high-quality works and masterpieces paintings are on display at the Accademia Gallery.

Botticelli, Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and two angels, at the Accademia Gallery in Florence
Virgin and Child
Agnolo Tori il Bronzino, Deposition of Christ, at the Accademia Gallery in Florence
Deposition of Christ
Bronzino Sarto Daddi
Lorenzo di Credi, Adoration of the Christ Child, Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Adoration of the Christ Child
Lorenzo di Credi
Fra Bartolomeo, Prophet Isaiah, at the Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Prophet Isaiah
Fra Bartolomeo
Domenico Ghirlandaio, Saint Stephen between Saint James and St. Peter, at the Accademia Gallery in Florence
Domenico Ghirlandaio
Domenico del Ghirlandaio
Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, Saint Zenobus resurrects a young man, at Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
St Zenobus raise a boy
Ridolpfo del Ghirlandaio

Painters Botticelli | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Credi | F.Bartolomeo | D. Ghirlandaio | R. Ghirlandaio | Granacci | Gaddi | Cambio | Lippi | Biondo Tancredi | Perugino |
Artists Sculptors | Painters | Music
Accademia Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations

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