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Painters Botticelli | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Credi | F.Bartolomeo | D. Ghirlandaio | R. Ghirlandaio | Granacci | Gaddi | Cambio | Lippi | Biondo Tancredi | Perugino |

Lorenzo di Credi “Adoration of the Christ Child” Accademia Gallery in Florence

Lorenzo di Credi, Adoration of the Christ Child, Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Adoration of the Christ Child
Painting — Tempera on wood (156 x 148.5 cm) 1480-1490

In this work, we can see the influence of Leonardo da Vinci and the novelties he introduced into the painting of his time.

Lorenzo di Credi and Leonardo da Vinci were both pupils of Andrea del Verrocchio.

However, in this work, Lorenzo di Credi does not fully follow the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci, not daring to break with the past and keeps the effects of more balanced and wise perspectives.

An atmosphere of peace and meditation emanates from this painting with Joseph, crouching in front of the Child Jesus or the Virgin Mary praying on his knees, hands clasped.

While Jesus is lying outside on a bunch of straw, the beef and donkey are rather well settled under a stone porch whose columns are decorated with crafted capitals.

Lorenzo di Credi, Adoration of the Christ Child, Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Adoration of the Christ Child
Lorenzo di Credi, Adoration of the Christ Child, Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Adoration of the Christ Child
Lorenzo di Credi, Adoration of the Christ Child, Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Adoration of the Christ Child
Lorenzo di Credi, Adoration of the Christ Child, Accademia Gallery in Florence Italy
Adoration of the Christ Child

Painters Botticelli | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Credi | F.Bartolomeo | D. Ghirlandaio | R. Ghirlandaio | Granacci | Gaddi | Cambio | Lippi | Biondo Tancredi | Perugino |
Artists Sculptors | Painters | Music
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