Palazzo Vecchio Art Story | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Art Story Five-Hundred | Tower | Vasari Halls | Dante Mask | Ghirlandaio | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Salviati | Cortile
Ghirlandaio Lily Room | Priors Chapel | Green Room
Domenico Ghirlandaio, the Sala dei Gigli, the Lily Room at the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence in Italy

Lily Room The Sala dei Gigli, the Lilies room, is at the Palazzo Vecchio, the only room that still possesses its exact appearance in the 15th century.
It escaped the Palace’s transformations commissioned Cosimo I de Medici and his successors.
It owes its name to the lilies that decorate it from walls to the ceiling.
Bernardo and Stefano Rosselli's work is the lilies, while the magnificent carved and gilded wooden coffered ceiling is by Benedetto and Giuliano da Maiano.
Lilies paid tribute to the king of France, protector of Florence's freedom.
This room also served as the courtroom of the Signoria, the ambassadors were welcomed, and it was here that the citizens of Florence presented their grievances.
Domenico Ghirlandaio has created here beautiful frescoes depicting Saint Zenobius, San Zanobi, surrounded by St Stephane and St Lawrence.
Saint Zenobius, who was bishop of Florence in the fourth century, was declared the patron saint of Florence's city, hence his depiction in this official hall.
Ghirlandaio Lily Room | Priors Chapel | Green Room
Art Story Five-Hundred | Tower | Vasari Halls | Dante Mask | Ghirlandaio | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Salviati | Cortile
Palazzo Vecchio Art Story | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
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