Lexicon Culinary Lexicon | Art and Architecture
Italian and Florentine culinary lexicon, at the table or at the market
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Abbrustolìta: Lightly toasted
Acciughe or acciùga: Anchovies
Acquacotta: Onion soup served with bread and poached eggs
Acéto balsàmico: Balsamic vinegar
Affumicato: Smoked
Aglio: Garlic
Aglio e olio: Sauté with garlic and oil
Ai ferri: Grilled
Al dente: Firm and not overcooked (pasta al dente)
Al forno: Baked in the oven
Alici: Anchovies
Amarone: Wine made from sultanas, some are made from Valpolicella grapes
Amarétto: Macaroon
Amarorino: Mignonette
Aneto: Dill
Anguilla: Eel
Antipasto: Starter (Antipasti: starters)
Aragosta: Lobster
Arancia: Orange
Arancino: Rice rissoles served with meat or fish.
Aringa: Herring
Arista: Roast loin of pork
Arrabbiata: Spicy tomato sauce with garlic and chilli pepper
Arrostìto: Roast meat or fish
Articioco: Artichoke
Astice: Lobster Alici: Anchovy
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Baccalà alla livornese: Brandade of dried then rewetted cod, often milk-based, with cream, tomatoes and parsley
Barbabietole: Beetroot
Barboni: Small barbel
Basilico rosso: Red basil
Bavarese: Bavaroise
Bevarase: These are palourdes
Bibita: Bibita means drink, and "bibita in lattina" means a can.
Bigoli: Big spaghetti
Biscotto: Biscuit
Bistecca: Steak
Bistecca alla fiorentina: T-bone Steak of young beef (Chianina or Maremmana)
Bolognese: Meat sauce
Bolüto misto (ou bollito misto): Boiled meat dish
Borragine: Borage
Bottarga: Poutargue or Boutargue (salted pressed mullet roe)
Bràce: alla bràce = braised
Branzino: Sea bass
Brasate: Braised
Brigidini: Aniseed wafers/biscuits
Brindisi: Making a toast
Broccolo: Broccoli
Brodo: Stock
Bronzino/Branzino: Seabass
Buccellato: Grape and aniseed cake
Buccia Rossa: Red skin (potatoes, sausage...)
Burrata: Mozzarella and butter
Burro e salvia: Butter and sage
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Cachi: Kaki
Cacciucco: Fish, crayfish and mollusc soup cooked in wine with tomatoes and chillies
Calamaretti: Small squids
Cameriere: This is the waiter
Cannèlla: Cinnamon
Cannellóni: Fresh pastry rolls stuffed in the oven
Canestrelli: Combs (small scallops)
Canocia or Canocchia: Cicada of the sea or squilla. Canoce in the plural
Cantucci or cantuccini: Hard almond biscuits dipped in Vinsanto, a sweet wine
Caparosoli: Clams and prawns
Cape Lunghe (Capa Lunga or Lungha in the singular): Long bivalve shells, also known as ‘knives’.
Cape Sante: Scallops
Capocuoco: Attention! It's the Kitchen Chef
Cappello del Prete: This is the twin, the part of the steer below the shoulder.
Capperi: These are the capers
Cappone di Mare: Grondin but also refers to Capon without ‘di mare’.
Caprese: Tomato, mozzarella and olive salad
Caprìno: Fresh goat's cheese
Carabaccia: Onion soup
Carbonara: Spaghetti with fried bacon and eggs
Carciofo: Artichoke
Cardi: Blettes
Carpióne: In the escabeche
Cartoccio: En papillote
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Cassata: Neapolitan ice cream
Castagna (Castagne): Chestnut
Castra': What an ugly word! Poor animal... it's the sheep
Castraure: These are little artichokes, the very first flowers
Cavolfiore: Cauliflower
Cavolo nero: Black cabbage
Caviale: Caviar
Cetriolo: Cucumber
Chianina: A breed of Italian white cattle thought to be 2,000 years old. Originating from Lazio, Tuscany
Cialda: Wafer
Cibreo: Chicken liver fricassee
Cicoria: Chicory
Ciliegie: Cherries
Cioccolata calda: Hot chocolate
Cipolla Rossa: Red onion
Cipollina: Small onion, but also used to refer to chives
Coda di Rospo: Monkfish tail
Coda di Bue: Oxtail
Coniglio: Rabbit
Contorni: Trimmings
. Coperto: Cutlery, the price of which is almost always added to the bill, as is the service
Costatine di Agnello: Small ribs of lamb
Costesine: Small lamb chops
Costolette: Chops
Cotechino: Boiled pork sausage
Cozze: Mussels
Cren: Horseradish
Crespella: Crepe
Crostacei: Crustaceans
Crosta di Sfoglia: In a puff pastry crust
Crostino: It's the toast
Crostini: Croutons
Crudo di pesce: Raw fish
Cucurma: Turmeric
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Datteri: Dates
Dentice: Dentex (fish)
Dolciùmi: Sweets, candies, sweets, confectionery
Donzele or donzelline: Panzerotti (fried turnovers) with anchovies
Dorate: Golden
Erbe: Herbs
Essicato: Dry
Fagioli Bianchi: White beans
Fagioli Rossi: Kidney beans
Fagioli all’uccelletto: White beans cooked with tomatoes, garlic and sage
Fagottini di pasta sfoglia: These are puff pastries, they can be with meat or fish.
Faraóna: Guinea fowl
Farcito: Stuffed
Fasoi: Dried beans
Fegatino: Poultry liver
Fegato: Liver
Fettuccine: Noodles
Fettuna or Bruschetta: Toast with garlic and olive oil
Fichi: Figs
Filetto: Filet
Finferlo (plural finferli): Yellow Chanterelle
Finocchietto, Finocchio: Fennel
Finocchiona: Pork sausages with fennel
Focàccia: Fougasse
Folpo: The octopus
Fonduta: Fondue, coulis
Foresta: Black Forest cake (chocolate cake filled with cherries and whipped cream)
Fortagia: It's an omelette
Fragole: Strawberries
Fritto: Fried
Frittura: Friture
Frizzante (or gassata): Sparkling water (Acqua Frizzante)
Frollìno: Shortbread
Fumetto (al fumetto): With the aroma of...
Fungo (plural funghi): Mushroom
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Galantina: Galantine, Ballottine
Gallina: Hen
Gamberetti: Prawns
Gamberi: Crayfish
Gamberone: Big crayfish
Garmugia: Soup with broad beans, peas, artichokes, asparagus and beef stew
Garusolo: Mollusc, the whelk
Gelatina: Jelly
Germano Reale: Royal mallard
Germogli di rapanello: Radish shoots
Ghiacciata: Glacé
Gianduia: Very creamy hazelnut chocolate. Used to garnish tarts
Glassato: Glacé
Gnocchetti: Small gnocchi
Goto: It's the drinking glass
Grano duro: Durum wheat
Granzioporo: Edible crab
Granzo: It's the Crab
Grappa: Brandy, Marc
Gratinàto: Gratiné
Grattugiata: Raped
Guanciale di manzo: Beef cheek
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Indivia: Chicory, endive
Insalata: Salad
Insalata Belga: Endive
Involtino: Paupiette, roulade, roll
Karkadè (or carcadè): Ibiscus
Kren (cren, rafano): Horseradish
Lampóne: Raspberry
Latte: Milk
Latti: Cuttlefish eggs
Lenticchie: Lentils
Lepre: Hare
Lesso: Said of a boiled or broth-cooked food.
Limonata: Lemonade
Limonato: Lemony
Limone: Lemon
Lingua: Tongue
Lombo: Sirloin
Luganega: Long sausage
Litro: Litre
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Maccheroncini: Small Macaroni
Maiale: Pork
Maialino: Piglet
Mandarìno: Tangerine
Mandorlato: Grilled almond cake
Mandorle: Almonds
Mantecato: Creamy finish
Manzo: Beef
Marinato: Pickled
Matriciana: With tomato sauce and pork cheek
Mazzancola: Large crayfish
Mela: Apple
Melanzana: Aubergine
Melogràno: Grenadier
Mezzo: Half
Minestra: Soup
Minestrone alla fiorentina: Bean, red cabbage, tomato, onion and herb soup
Misticanza: Mixed salads
Morbido: Soft
Morcelle: Morels
Mosa: Cream of potato soup + potato...
Moscardini: Small octopus also known as élédone
Mostarda senapata: Mustard
Musetto: Pork-based sausage
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Nervetti: Boiled beef salad served with onions
Noce moscata: Nutmeg
Òca: The goose
Olio di Vino: Wine oil
Ombrina: Ombrine
Orata or orada: Sea bream
Orata arrosto: Roast sea bream
Ortaggio: Vegetable
Ossocollo: Coppa, a sausage made from pork loin
Ostriche or Ostrica (singular): Oysters
Ovuli: Caesar’s mushroom
Pàcchero: Hollow, wide and irregular pasta
Pachino: Cherry tomatoes from Pachino, a town in the province of Siracusa in Sicily
Padellata: Pan fried
Paglia e fieno: Mixture of yellow and green tagliatelle made with eggs and spinach
Pallìne: Meatballs
Pancetta: Lean lard
Pandoro: Typical Verona cake in the shape of a truncated cone
Panfòrte: Dried and candied fruit bread
Panino: Bread roll
Panna: Cream
Panna Cotta: Baked cream
Panna Montata: Whipped cream or Chantilly
Panettone: Brioche cake with sultanas
Panzanella: Tomato, basil, cucumber and onion salad
Pappa al Pomodoro: Bread and tomato soup
Pappardelle: Wide tagliatelle
Parmigiano: Parmesan cheese
Pasta e fagioli: Soup, quite thick, with beans and pasta
Penne stracciate: Pasta with meat sauce
Pere Cotte: Cooked pears
Peoci: Moulds
Peperonata: Pepper Ratatouille
Peperoncini: Small Peppers
Peperoni: Peppers
Peposo: Meat stew with pepper and wine
Pere: Pears
Pesca: Peach
Pesto: Genoa sauce with garlic, basil and pine cones
Petto: Breast
Piastra (alla piastra): Grilled in an iron pan
Pinzimonio: Vegetables à la Croque au Sel
Piselli: Peas
Pizzocheri: Pasta, similar to Spätzle
Polenta: Boiled corn flour
Pollo: Chicken
Pomodorino: Cherry tomato
Porchetta: Roast suckling pig
Porcino: Porcini mushroom. (porcini: ceps)
Porro: Leek
Primi Piatti: First courses
Prosciutto: Ham
Prosecco: Very sparkling sparkling wine
Prugne: Plums
Punta di culatta: Saddle of beef
Puntarelle: Chicory hearts
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Quaglia: Quail
Quarto: Quarter
Radicchio: Chicory
Radicchio di Treviso: Treviso chicory
Radice: Roots
Rafano: Horseradish
Ragù d'oca: Goose fat. Ragù alone also means ‘sauce’.
Rapa: Turnip
Rapanello: Radish
Razza: Skate (fish)
Rìbes: Redcurrant
Ricciola: Amberjack (bony marine fish)
Rigatoni: Pasta in the shape of large grooved tubes
Ripieno: Stuffed
Risi e Bisi: Soup with rice and peas
Ristretto: Consommé, soup
Rombo: Turbot. There is also a smaller species of turbot called ‘Soaso’.
Rosticciàna: Grilled or pan-fried pork chop
Rucola: Roquette
Rumegal: Double fat
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Sacher: Sacher’ (Franz) chocolate cake
Salame toscano: Pork sausage with pepper
Salamelle: Sausages
Salsa: Sauce
Salsiccia: Sausage
Salute!: Cheers!
Saltimbocca: Paupiette
Salumeria: Delicatessen
Sangueto: Onion sausage
Sardea: Sardines
Scaloppa: Schnitzel
Scalógna: Shallots
Scamorza: Cow's milk cheese
Scampetti: Small langoustines
Scampi: Langoustines
Scartosso: Fish cornet
Schie: Small grey shrimp from the Venice lagoon
Scorfano: Rascasse
Scottiglia: Veal, poultry and game stew cooked in wine with tomatoes
Secco: Dry (wine)
Secondo: Second course
Sella: Saddle
Sedano: Celery
Sedano rapa: Remoulade celery
Senapato: Sinapised (with mustard flour added or sprinkled on top)
Senape forte: Strong mustard
Seppie: Cuttlefish
sfilacci: Very fine minced horse meat
Sformato: Bread flan
Sfumato: Smoked
Sguaseto: Small stewed dish. But it can also mean swimming or court-bouillon.
Sievolo: The mullet
Soaso: Variety of small turbot
Sogliola: The sole
Soia: Soya
Sopressa: Garlic sausages
Spada: Swordfish
Spadellata: Pan fried
Spadona: A variety of pear with very elongated fruit, green and juicy.
Spaghettone: Large Spaghetti
Speck: Boned, salted and smoked cured ham
Spezie: Spices
Spezzatino: Stew
Spiedino: Skewer
Spiedini di maiale: Skewer of liver cubes and pork chops
Spienza: Beef spleen seasoned with garlic
Spinaci: Spinach
Spremuta: Fresh fruit juice
Spuma: Mousse
Spumante: Sparkling wine
Stinchetto or Stinco: Shank
Storione: Sturgeon
Stracaganase: Dried chestnuts
Stracchino: Very runny fresh cheese
Stufato: Stewed
Stuzzichini: Cheese appetizers
Succo: Sweetened fruit juice concentrate
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Tacchino or Tacchina: Turkey. The Tacchino giovane is the Turkey
Tagliolini: Thin tagliatelle
Taiadee: Tagliatelle
Tardivo or Radicchio di Treviso: Treviso chicory
Tartara: Steak tartare
Tartufo: Truffle
Tiepida: Lukewarm
Timballo: Timbale
Timo: Thyme
Tomini: Tomme (cheese)
Tonno: Tuna
Torbolin: New white wine
Torresano: Pigeon
Torta: Tart, cake
Tortino: Pie or tartlet
Tracine: Weever
Trancio: Slice
Triglia: Red mullet
Trippa: Tripe
Trippa alla fiorentina: Tripe with tomato and parmesan sauce
Trombétta: Death's trumpet, horn of plenty
Trota: Trout
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Umido (in umido): Boiled in water
Uovo (plural Uova): Egg
Uva: Grape
Valeriana: Valerian
Vaso, cotto in vaso: Cooked in glass, earthenware or jars...
Vègan: Vegan
Vellutata: Velvety soup
Vérza: Lean or curly cabbage, also known as Savoy cabbage
Vitello: Veal
Vongole: Clams
Zabaione: Sabayon
Zafferàno: Safran
Zaleto: Cornflour and egg biscuits with sultanas
Zampone: Stuffed pig's trotters
Zenzero: Ginger
Zucca: The Venetian variety of pumpkin is actually very small
Zucchina: Courgette
Zucchine trifolate: Courgettes with garlic and parsley
Zucchini: Courgettes sautéed in garlic and parsley
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Lexicon Culinary Lexicon | Art and Architecture
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